Jennifer M. Piscopo

Research on


Political institutions are shaped by gender: their organization, their practices, and their internal processes differently affect how men and women occupants gain power and exercise influence. My work examines how gender shapes behavior in political institutions and how voters evaluate women and men politicians.

Gender and Political Representation in Times of Crisis (co-edited with Diana Z. O’Brien). 2023. Politics & Gender. 

The Impact of Gender Quotas (co-edited with Susan Franceschet and Mona Lena Krook). 2012. New York: Oxford University Press. 

The foundational effects of gender: Exploring Latin American Elites’ perceptions of corruption” (co-authored with Asbel Bohigues and Amy Alexander). 2024. Legislative Studies Quarterly, First view. 

“New institutions, new actors, new rules: gender parity and feminist constitution writing in Chile” (co-authored with Julieta Suárez-Cao). 2024. The European Journal of Politics and Gender, First view. 

“Gender and Political Representation in Times of Crisis” (co-authored with Diana Z. O’Brien). 2023. Politics & Gender 19 (3): 891-899. 

Exclusion by Design: Locating Power in Mansbridge’s Account of Descriptive Representation” (co-authored with Amanda Clayton and Diana Z. O’Brien). 2023. Politics & Gender (online): 1-5.  

“Electing Women Matters: Mapping Latin American Elites’ Attitudes about Gender Equality” (co-authored with Amy Alexander and Asbel Bohigues). 2023. Political Research Quarterly 76 (3): 1285-1280. 

“Policymaking, Constituency Service, and the Pandemic: How Working Remotely Transformed U.S. State Legislators’ Representative Roles” (co-authored with Susan Franceschet). 2022. Representation 58 (2): 289-300.  

“Group Identity, Ideology, or Recognition? Explaining Latin American Lawmakers’ Support for Gender Quotas” (co-authored with Asbel Bohigues). 2021. Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals 127 (April): 95-120. 

“Women Leaders and Pandemic Performance: A Spurious Correlation.” 2020. Politics & Gender 16 (4): 951-959.  

“Neither Penalized nor Prized: Feminist Legislators, Women’s Representation, and Career Paths in Argentina” (co-authored with Mariana Caminotti). 2019. Journal of Politics in Latin America 11 (2): 181-203

“All Male Panels? Representation and Democratic Legitimacy” (co-authored with Amanda Clayton and Diana Z. O’Brien). 2019. American Journal of Political Science 63 (1): 113-129.

    – Read the draft version of a research paper that extends this study        to international contexts and adds the question of a ‘quota penalty’. 

“Supermadres, Maternal Legacies, and Women’s Political Participation in Contemporary Latin America” (co-authored with Susan Franceschet and Gwynn Thomas). 2016. Journal of Latin American Studies 48 (1): 1-32. 

“Beyond Hearth and Home: Female Legislators, Feminist Policy Change and Substantive Representation in Mexico.” 2014. Revista Uruguaya de Ciencia Política [Uruguayan Political Science Review] 23 (2): 87-110.

“Sustaining Gendered Practices? Power and Elite Networks in Argentina” (co-authored with Susan Franceschet). 2014. Comparative Political Studies 47 (1): 86-111. [pre-print]

“Rethinking Descriptive Representation: Rendering Women in Legislative Debates.” 2011. Parliamentary Affairs 64 (3): 448-472. 

“Gender Quotas and Women’s Substantive Representation: Lessons from Argentina” (co-authored with Susan Franceschet). 2008. Politics & Gender 4 (3) 393-425.

“Party Over Gender: Young Adults’ Evaluations of Political Leaders in California and Texas” (co-authored with Konstanca Dhima). 2022. In Are Women Viewed as Leaders? Yes!, Michelle M. Taylor-Robinson and Nehemia Geva, eds. London: Oxford University Press. Under contract. 

“Gender, Race, and Political Representation” (co-authored with Kristin Wylie). 2020. In Encyclopedia of Latin American Politics, Harry Vanden and Gary Prevost, eds. New York: Oxford University Press. DOI: 

“Parity without Equality in Costa Rica.” 2018. In Gender and Representation in Latin America, Leslie Schwindt-Bayer, ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 156-174. 

 “Gender and Political Backgrounds in Argentina” (co-authored with Susan Franceschet). 2012. In The Impact of Gender Quotas, Susan Franceschet, Mona Lena Krook, and Jennifer M. Piscopo, eds. New York: Oxford University Press, 43-56.

“The Impact of Women in Parliament” (co-authored with Diana Z. O’Brien). 2019. In The Handbook of Women’s Political Rights, Susan Franceschet, Mona Lena Krook, and Netina Tan, eds. New York: Palgrave, 53-72.

“Primera Dama, Prima Donna? Media Constructions of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner in Argentina.” 2010. In Cracking the Highest Glass Ceiling: A Global Comparison of Women’s Campaigns for Executive Office, Rainbow Murray, ed. New York: Praeger, 197-219.