Jennifer M. Piscopo

Research on


Women may face various disadvantages running for office. On the one hand, countries’ adoption of gender quota laws creates demand for women candidates. On the other hand, women may struggle to gain access to insider networks and to campaign finance. My work explores the gendered dynamics of political campaigns.

Rethinking the Ambition Gap: Gender and Candidate Emergence in Comparative Perspective (co-edited with Meryl Kenny). 2020. The European Journal of Politics and Gender 3 (1). 

“Founding Narratives and Men’s Political Ambition: Experimental Evidence from US Civics Lessons” (co-authored with Amanda Clayton and Diana Z. O’Brien). 2024. British Journal of Political Science 54 (1): 129-151.

“Women Grab Back: Exclusion, Policy Threat, and Political Ambition” (co-authored with Amanda Clayton and Diana Z. O’Brien). 2023. American Political Science Review 117 (4): 1465-1485. 

“Lessons from a Late Adopter: Feminist Advocacy, Democratizing Reforms, and Gender Quotas in Chile” (co-authored with Gwynn Thomas, Peter Siavelis, and Magda Hinojosa). 2024. Journal of Politics in Latin America. 16 (1): 3-26. [pre-print]

From 30 Percent to Gender Parity in Everything: The Steady Route to Raising Women’s Political Representation in Mexico” (co-authored with Lorena Vázquez Correa). 2024. International Feminist Journal of Politics 64 (1): 54-80 [pre-print]

“Follow the Money: Gender, Incumbency, and Campaign Funding in Chile” (co-authored with Magda Hinojosa, Gwynn Thomas, and Peter Siavelis). 2022. Comparative Political Studies 55 (2): 222-253.  

“Women to the Rescue: The Gendered Effects of Public Discontent on Legislative Nominations in Latin America” (co-authored with Kendall Funk and Magda Hinojosa). 2021. Party Politics 27 (3): 465-477.

“The Limits of Leaning In: Ambition, Recruitment, and Candidate Training in Comparative Perspective.” 2019. Politics, Groups, and Identities 7 (4): 817-828. 

“Still Left Behind: Gender, Political Parties, and Latin America’s Pink Tide” (co-authored with Kendall D. Funk and Magda Hinojosa). 2017. Social Politics 24 (4): 399-424.

“States as Gender Equality Activists: The Expansion of Quota Laws in Latin America.” 2015. Latin American Politics and Society 57 (3): 29-42.  [pre-print]

“When Informality Advantages Women: Quota Networks, Electoral Rules, and Candidate Selection in Mexico.” 2016. Government & Opposition 51 (3): 487-512.  [pre-print]

“Democracy as Gender Balance: The Shift from Quotas to Parity in Latin America.” 2016. Politics, Groups, and Identities 4 (2): 214-230. [pre-print]

“Rethinking the Ambition Gap: Gender and Candidate Emergence in Comparative Perspective” (co-authored with Meryl Kenny). 2020. The European Journal of Politics and Gender 3 (1): 3-10.

“Women Running in the World: Candidate Training Programs in Comparative Perspective.” 2020. In Good Reasons to Run, Rachel Bernhard, Mirya Holman, Shauna Shames, and Dawn Teele, eds. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 216-231.  

“Democratic Crisis, the Turn to the Right, and Women’s Political Participation: The 2018 Costa Rican Elections in Comparative Perspective.” 2019. In The Limits of Democracy: Feminist Perspectives on the 2018 Elections, María José Cascante Vindas, ed. San José: University of Costa Rica Press, 369-398. (Published in Spanish) 

“Electing Women to National Legislatures” (co-authored with Diana Z. O’Brien). 2018. In Measuring Women’s Political Empowerment across the Globe: Strategies, Challenges, and Future Research, Amy C. Alexander, Catherine Bolzendahl, and Farida Jalalzai, eds. New York: Palgrave, 139-163. 

“Leveraging Informality, Rewriting Formal Rules: The Implementation of Gender Parity in Mexico.” 2017. In Gender and Informal Institutions, Georgina Waylen, ed. New York: Rowman and Littlefield, 137-160.  [pre-print]