Jennifer M. Piscopo

Consulting on


How can international organizations and national and local governments ensure women are heard in politics? My work talks about encouraging more women to run for office and helping them raise their voice once elected.

Foreward for Representing Women in Latin Americaby Vanilda Souza Chaves, Luisa Fernanda Cervantes Macias, Fernanda Ribas, Joni Lovenduski, and Minna Cowper-Coles. April 2024. The Global Institute for Women’s Leadership. 

“How can Civil Society Actors Turn from Activists to Politicians?” In Not Without Her: A Roadmap for Gender Equality and Caribbean Prosperity, by Wazim Mowla and Valentina Sader. March 7, 2024. The Atlantic Counil/UN Women.

“From Making Commitments to Realizing Change: Local and Regional Governments’ Progress on Gender Equality.” Background Report for the Global Taskforce Localization Report of Sustainable Development Goal 5. 2022. United Cities and Local Government. 

“Impact of Women’s Leadership in Public Life and Decision-Making.” 2020. UN Women: Published background paper for the Expert Group Meeting on “Women’s Full and Effective Participation in Public Life.” 

“Women in Politics in Latin America.” 2020. In Women, Policy, and Political Leadership, Christian Echle and Megha Sarmah, eds. Singapore: UN Women and the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Foundation, 77-88. 

“National Gender Observatories: Monitoring Women’s Political Participation in Latin America.” 2018. UN Women: Unpublished background paper for handbook on creating national gender observatories. 

“Women’s Representation in Latin American and the Caribbean” (co-authored with Mala Htun). 2014. New York: Social Science Research Council. 

Expert group meeting, “First Meeting of Experts for the Model Law for Gender Parity in the Americas.” 2024. Organization of American States and the President of Guatemala. Guatemala City, Guatemala.

“Shifting the Paradigms of Power,” RepresentWomen, Democracy Solutions Summit, March 7, 2024. 

Expert consultation, “Pursuing Parity: Examining Gender Quotas across Electoral Systems,” by Thea Ridley-Castle. 2024. Electoral Reform Society UK. 

Expert consultation, “Best Practices to Expand Women’s Political Participation in Guyana and Jamaica.” 2023. Atlantic Council. New York and Jamaica (vritual). See outputs, including video and UNWomen report. 

Expert Roundtable, “Understanding Gender in Brazil’s Elections and Political Environment.” 2022. Atlantic Council. New York. (virtual)

Expert Discussion on “Examining State-Based Disinformation Campaigns During Times of Crises.” 2022. National Democratic Institute, Washington DC.

“Women’s Political Representation in Latin America.” 2022. LatinasRepresent and Represent Women, USA. (virtual)

“Gender Mainstreaming in Advanced Industrialized Democracies.” 2021. Gender Equity Policy Institute. 

Expert Group Meeting, “Women’s Full and Effective Participation and Decision-Making in Public Life.” 2020. UN Women and the 65th Committee on the Status of Women. (virtual)

Expert Group Meeting, “Gender and Political Participation in Latin America and the Caribbean.” 2018. Social Science Research Council, New York City, New York. 

“Workplaces That ‘Lean In’”: Achieving Equality and Diversity at the Top.” 2016. Executive Training Session. Gates Cambridge Biennial Anniversary, Cambridge, United Kingdom. 

Expert interview for Election Observation Mission to the United States General Election. 2016. Organization of American States, teleconference. (In Spanish)   

“Gaining Power: Female MPs and Parliaments as Gendered Workplaces.” 2015. The United Nations Development Programme, New York City, New York. 

Expert Working Group on the Impact of Women in Parliament. 2014. The Inter-Parliamentary Union, New York City, New York. 

Spotlight Consulting Report