Jennifer M. Piscopo

* Check out some of my latest research on COVID-19! Susan Franceschet and I surveyed U.S. state legislators, finding that policymaking suffered while constituency service increased during the pandemic. Our latest paper was just published at Representation.

* On women leaders, gender-responsive recoveries, and COVID-19: My peer-reviewed piece from Politics & Gender Women Leaders and Pandemic Performance: A Spurious Correlation” suggests the relationship between women chief executives and superior COVID-19 is not automatic. Nonetheless, my flagship report for UN Women (co-authored with Malliga Och) concludes that many women leaders did lead effectively, decisively, and inclusively.

* Our recent article in Gender & Development extends the analysis of women leaders & COVID-19 to women governors and mayors in six cases: the U.S., Brazil, Mexico, India, Japan, and the Philippines. I am currently working with UCLG to better understand how local and regional governments have addressed the pandemic’s gender equality setbacks. My UN Women background report shows that feminist policy networks are key for influencing the gender sensitivity of governments’ COVID-19 response and recovery plans.

* I am doing new work on gender parity in Chile’s constitutional elections. Read my articles with Peter Siavelis in Foreign Policy, Current History and Americas Quarterly, and my article in NACLA. Or listen to my talk at the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies at Harvard University (video in Spanish or video in English).

* My idea of a “right to be elected” is the Spring 2020 cover story for The Boston Review! The introduction to the issue (co-authored with Shauna Shames) is now on-line, “Without Women, There is No Democracy.”

* I have two new short pieces out: Backlash and the Future of Feminism (co-authored with Denise Walsh) in Signs and Gender and Candidate Emergence in Comparative Perspective (co-authored with Meryl Kenny) in the European Journal of Politics and Gender.


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